Friday, September 13, 2024

Dumb and Dumber and Sex

Just from today's Times: a piece about the strict measures the Taliban are imposing on women, measures derived from Sharia Law, so that men can avoid being aroused. It seems only religious edicts can protect these morons from themselves? Because they have no agency, no self control? Then there is the article about the charismatic Evangelical preacher in the Phillipines, a guy who has built a mega-church empire, and is now arrested for sex crimes. How original! Never saw that coming! He has millions of moron followers who believe he is another son of god or some ridiculous shit. Another piece was about a new report on Europe's failing competitiveness which claims "About a quarter of European companies said they had difficulty finding employees with the necessary skills, especially at the managerial level." Not even smart enough to be a manager? That's pretty bad. Lastly we have an article about some hero of the conservatives because he was breaking up child sex trafficking rings ( they even made a hit Hollywood movie about him) but it turns out he is now accused of being a predator. Add in the global surge of right-wing populism and it is increasingly difficult to imagine the human race having much of a future. Maybe it's all the toxins in the environment or just your basic genetic unwinding. could we just let another species run things? Maybe cats?

Monday, September 9, 2024

Low on the List

If you want a perfect example of what Richard Seymour calls "the liberal defense of murder" , read the comments after this opinion piece in the NY Times. Here you will read every form of craven excuse-making for Harris' support of genocide in Gaza. "the questions ( Palestine) do not rank in the top ten" "first you need to condemn Hamas", "first you get the candidate in office, then you make demands" "Trump would be much worse" etc etc. The auhtor of the piece, a Palestinian-American, represents the Uncommitted movement, which really rankles these liberals. They don't want to see outsiders threatening the chances of their beloved new "hope for change". Like Charlie Brown believing that THIS TIME Lucy will hold the ball so he can kick it, they never will understand the trap they are ensnared in. They must believe in representational, electoral "democracy" as it underpins their entire ideological framework. All while knowing deep down it is a con, a sham, and they will always end up flat on their back. As for Palestine, they only just heard about it on Oct.8th and it is some place overseas that is always having problems, like Africa. Lots of brown people who can't get along. We have our own problems to worry about. yada yada. Now it spreads to Jordan and Syria and Lebanon but most people can't find these places on a map. They are more engaged with the NFL Sunday ticket and picking their fantasy team.