Saturday, January 20, 2018

Goodbye Tuna

Flyfishing magazines are not known for their radical critique but I stumbled across an article on salt water fishing that surprised me. Bemoaning declining sport fishing opportunities, the author takes on the environmental movement in general, writing: "the environmental movement hasn't even managed to slow down the rate of destruction, never mind halt with regulatory bodies everywhere, the pressure from politicians and industry ensured it (the ICCAT) never followed the recommendations made by environmentalists."

From here it would only be a short leap for this liberal writer to condemn "democratic capitalism" as a contradiction and the profit system as a failure. Maybe next issue he'll write that the state is subservient to capital, is not just "captured" by lobbyists but ideologically integrated at every level. So wild fish don't stand a chance in the race for economic growth.

Trout fishing magazines, their "conservation" writers and the organizations still cling to the belief they are "winning" the fight to save habitat and fish stocks but they choose not to mention climate change. Since they are not struggling against industry profits in a direct sense ( no commercial trout fishing) they can pretend their regulatory efforts and volunteer stream restoration projects will preserve the resource.

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