Poor President Trump. He learns a new word, a big complicated sounding word like "sovereignty", and then when he tries it out in front of the International Important People they just laugh at him. Not nice! The man is obviously not over-burdened by complex thinking and the ridicule will only make him start a new trade war, or maybe nuclear war.
Coincidentally, I happen to be reading a book that starts with a discussion of Hobbes and Carl Schmitt and their thinking around the subjects of sovereignty and Leviathan, "that Mortall God". I suspect Trump learned the word from his new buddy John Bolton, who is tired of seeing poor America get pushed around by The New World Order. See, America doesn't want to be part of this new globalist world order, cause everybody keeps asking for money and they want to send us to the international criminal court for shit we didn't mean to do, and they want us to cut our emissions but that will cut into our economic growth so screw them. America first. We're sovereign so shut up and quit laughing.
Of course the supply chains of all the giant AMERICAN corporations will still be globalized, we still want all that cheap labor and the sweet crude from our newly liberated Iraq (you're welcome). And it's not like we are on board with all those dirty hippies and anarchists that were marching against globalization in Seattle. This is different. This is patriotic. Like Brexit. We are saving our unique, white, national character and you can laugh all you want at his ridiculous hair and weird syntax and tiny hands. He is the sovereign.
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