During a conversation about ecological destruction with my fishing client the other day, he concluded by opining that maybe it would be best if humans were wiped out and a new hominid could someday take our place. I have heard this type of half-serious, fatalistic bullshit many times in the past. My client was a reasonably liberal, thoughtful person, but for him, like so many, it is easier to imagine the end of humanity than it is to imagine the end of the current ruling order. Like so many, he believes there is something inherently destructive about our species. Except for him and his daughter and his grand kids of course.
Again, this millenialist view is really just an easy way to avoid thinking about structural causes of the crisis or actually having to do something besides change light bulbs and recycle. Returning as a more enlightened species a few million years from now is not really a plan. And people who casually throw it out as an option are not considering the suffering and degradation our grandchildren get to experience because we found it easier to give up. Fuck that noise. Kill yourself if you want to but in any case, get out of the way if you can't lend a hand.
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