Monday, August 3, 2020


While bicycling yesterday, I saw a big sign in a yard that said "Only My Life Matters". On one level you have to admire the brutal honesty. Most people who have so completely assimilated and internalized capitalism's "Prime Directive" make some attempt to couch it in irony. Of course the person could be racist (like all of us, according to White Fragility) or he could just be a serious libertarian, we have both in our quiet community. The real question is, with gun sales going through the roof, which side will the person be on? This is when the "Friend/ Enemy" difference gets real.

1 comment:

  1. A problem in Chantal Mouffe’s antagonism/agonism for me is that there is real power and once held uses performance democracy as a weapon to manufacture consent. Power, or those in power, are not recallable and need not respect democratic process if it threatens its claim to stay in power. For that matter, the American experiment seems destined to be remembered as the best we could hope for....oh yeah, but then there’s that pesky issue of capitalism that truly determines power.

    How contingent would a post-capitalist society actual be? And I’m talking the kind of “post” that assumes “new (wo)man”.
