Sunday, April 30, 2023

Yet Another Woke Rally

Liberals are yet again up in arms as Missoula's trangender representative gets banished from the legislature. Zephyr voiced her outrage over anti- "gender affirming care" bills moving through the State House, what she naively calls "the People's House". Like they did when Roe v Wade was overturned or when George Floyd was murdered or any number of culture battles erupted, crowds will gather at the courthouse, signs will be waved, fiery speeches given. Like the Tennessee Three gun control advocates, or the Defund Police campaign, nothing substantive will come of these passionate efforts but there will be lots of rhetoric about our "endangered democracy" and representing the voice of The People. Like Jimmy Stewart in the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Zephyr is a true believer that if you speak truth to power and express the "will of the people" with passionate conviction, the arc will point towards justice. So precious and so absurd. She claims to represent 11,000 constituents ( a dubious assertion) but the fact is it is still a teensy tiny minority. The majority spoke and Zephyr (and Missoula liberals) lost. In a capitalist democracy the rules on decorum say you accept the majority opinion, even when you don't like it. That's what Democrats would expect Republicans to do if the roles were reversed. It's one of the reasons liberals hate Trump, his total disregard for decorum. If you want to play the game, and it is just a spectacular game, then you must play by the rules. But if you want to become a media sensation and get your fifteen minutes of fame, you can invade the sacred chambers and hold a loud protest and get on MSNBC. Get an article in the NY Times. Fire up a crowd at a rally. Whatever. What is to be done? Vote for Biden. Vote for Tester. Vote for Zephyr. Sign a petition. Write a letter to the editor. Save our "democracy".I wait patiently for the fundraising letters to arrive. Money needed to get Zephyr re-elected. And John Tester. Biden. Help us speak mre truth to power so power can tell us to fuck off.

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