Thursday, February 6, 2025

Art of the Deal

Trump has layed out his opening gambit, and as all the great real estate developers do, he starts by knocking people back on their heels. Of course he knows from experience that he is going to have to sweeten the pot and I have a suggestion. This is a man who knows the power of burgers. What he could do is promise a years supply of Big Macs for any Palestinian willing to accept his buy-out plan. A condo in Jordan with nice trees and a year of burgers - who would say no? You avoid all that ugly "expulsion, ethnic cleansing" talk. You don't need the military. You have "magnificent" housing in "six or maybe seven different places" and voila- another deal done! From the shit-eating grin on Netenyahu's face it is easy to imagine this re-development plan has been in place since Oct.8 and that Bibi has shares in the company. He does the extermination and de-construction. Jared Kushner builds the resorts and golf courses. Gaz-a-Lago. What The Donald understands is that everything is transactional and everyone can be bought. The trick is finding a price everyone can agree on. And who better to build a new "Riviera" in Gaza than Trump Associates? You could do mixed development: lower end ranch-style homes for the Israeli settlers, Neo-Kibutzian, and snazzier sea-side digs for the global elite. Unlike the U.S., Trump says "anyone from around the world" can move there. Palestinians could work as maids and gardeners, clean the pools, bartend etc..

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