Monday, October 4, 2021

Common Ruin

"We would rather be ruined than change" is the epigraph at the beginning of my latest novel, taken from a poem by WH Auden, and in our current historical conjuncture it is interesting to think about this "we". It is true that, generally speaking, most humans resist change, would prefer a continuous, comforting routine with no surprises. Or at least slow, incremental change. But in dire circumstances that generalization breaks down. As crude oil from a leaking offshore pipe washes ashore in California, "Huntington Beach resident David Rapchun said he’s worried about the impact of the spill on the beaches where he grew up as well as the local economy. “For the amount of oil these things produce I don’t think it’s worth the risk,” Rapchun said. He questioned whether drilling for oil was a wise idea along some of southern California‘s most scenic beaches. “We need oil, but there’s always a question: do we need it there?” he said. For this asshole, the "ruin" needs to occur somewhere else so he doesn't need to change. Somewhere not occupied by wealthy white people, somewhere out of sight. It's an "economic" calculus, the only kind homo economicus is comfortable with. However, as the "common ruin" starts to hit home with increasing frequency, elites are starting to whine and fret and glance about nervously.We need oil but it is wreaking havoc; fires threatening my Tahoe condo, tar balls on Newport Beach. The FOX News/populist frankenstein these same elites created now threatens their comfort and security and safety. Sarah Palin was humorous, Marjorie Taylor Greene will devour them. Their "Think Tanks", funded so lavishly, produce slogans/ memes, but no solutions. Migrants pour across borders, floodwaters pour into basements. We need oil. But it will be our ruin.

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