Saturday, June 11, 2022

What If Both Are True?

Conservatives say "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Of course both are true but such a complex thought can't be processed by the American mind. One or the other. Give us two choices, Yay or nay. They also like to say "you can't legislate the evil that lurks in the heart." Which is true enough, but also forces you to accept the insane amount of evil in American hearts compared to the rest of the world. ( but only if logic is part of your thought process). The obvious answer then is to both pray and get a gun. Green Capitlism in action, from the WaPo: NextEra Energy, which operates one of the world’s largest renewable-energy businesses, has played an outsize role in Florida. Its campaign contributions and lobbying prowess have made it a juggernaut in state politics and regulatory matters. “We have 120 years of crazy regulatory practice in electricity and natural gas,” Mr. McCullough said. “There will be a day when someone will ask why they have just an extension cord there instead of the appropriate transmission line, because none of this makes good economics or engineering sense.” Mr. Mc Cullough doesn't understand capitalist economics, where this makes perfect "sense". The company profits rise, end of discussion. Wealth is generated, GDP goes up. Doesn't matter if your product is renewable or dirty energy, you still have to work the system with deals, greasing the wheels. Florida is also on the bleeding edge of what is known as "preemption legislation", that is, if state legislators get wind that a local municipality is considering policy that might hurt corporate profits, they step in with a bill that prevents locals from protecting themselves. As a Florida state rep put it "any socialist policies meant to harm the free market" must be preempted.

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