Thursday, November 17, 2022

What Climate?

In all the reporting on election results and the issues that influenced voters I have not seen climate change mentioned even once. Perhaps a Democrat candidate mentioned it in a speech or a Republican used it as an example of "wokeness" but it was not a big factor in deciding races. Most voters had little knowledge of the Inflation Reduction Act or know that COP 27 is taking place at this moment. It would seem that the Supreme Court helped the Democrats prevent a Red wave. Inflation, which you might have thought would drag down Dems, wasn't a thing either. It seems to me there is a kind of exhaustion with all the freaks and clowns, a weariness. It turns out entertainment has its limits. You can only hang out at the circus or amusement park so long, right, and then you want to go home and rest. John Kerry and Biden went to Egypt to sell market solutions to African nations drowning in debt. Turn the investors loose with a profit motive and they will innovate solutions to the crisis. Just ask Bill Gates or Bill McKibben. He was on Ezra Klein's podcast for an hour and never said the word capitalism. For him the bogeyman is fossil fuel corporations who are run by unethical, devious, mean people. Bad eggs are dooming the planet. Not that very many people give a shit.

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