Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Latest Failed State

The periphery is in deep trouble. As the largst economies accumulate wealth and power they like to keep small nations weak without having them fail. This strategy itself is failing badly. from Pakistan to Tunesia, Ukrain to Guatemala, governments can't provide basic services. In the giant cities like Johanesberg or Jakarta, systems can no longer handle the massive influx. Even the core countries are being exposed as hollowed out shells, zombies stumbling from crisis to crisis, enacting a mhad burlesque for the entertainment of no one. There is no plan. As for politics and politicians, they no longer try to pretend to be legitimate 'leaders": “Sometimes, when he speaks, you just get the feeling he is speaking down to you,” said Mr. Foulds, an accountant. “At least with Boris you felt that he was talking to you — even though he might have been talking drivel, and maybe lying through his back teeth as well.” Look hard at any photo of Mc Carthy with Republicans behind him as he explains the negotiations over the debt ceiling. They all have that baffled, struggling to appear seriously listening look. Look at Diane Feinstein or Biden. All shitty actors who have forgotten their lines. Janet Yellen has been frantically calling "business leaders", asking them to talk some sense into those same Republican legislators. We see how well that plan worked out. When every politician is talking drivel and lying through their back teeth, even "business leaders" find their urgent pleas meet blank, empty gazes. How does anyone take this poorly written and directed B movie seriously anymore?

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