Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Modernity on the Skids

Everyone is abandoning the modern project. But for what? Bruno Latour argued that ecological catastrophe signaled the end of "progress" as envisioned by moderns. How do we "develop" given the new constraints? Indigenous folk around the globe are rejecting modernity in favor of the old pre-modern cultural practices, but installing a cosmovision ( just read Jack Forbews Columbus and Other Cannibals) is no simple task. Just ask Jesus. Forbes diagnoses Euro/white destructiveness as a "disease" but one for which there is no medicine, no cure. Then there are these new/old age Christians looking to retreat from modernities harsh assault on aesthetics and the patriarchal family structure. Marx warned them that " all that is solid melts into air, everything sacred is profaned" but these confused white people love their Capital. Their imagined Father Knows Best community is not far from the Nazi volk, as they procreate and settle the American Readout. You may be thinking that I'm just describing Mormons but in a description of this "movement" in today's Times, they are evangelicals who reject Mormons due to some esoteric cult conflict over the Trinity. Don't ask me. So basically they are Mormon wanna be's clinging to the Holy Ghost. But described as "intellectuals". So yeah, pretty low bar. The other anti-modern clique are the "deep green" enviros who reject industrial society, much technology, and Marxian analysis, but who are aligned in many ways with Bug Out back-to-the-land types who tend to romanticize survival of the fittest/ pioneer narratives. It is hard to say where these anti-modern enthusiasts all hope to end up: pre-modern? post-modern? Anyway you slice it there will be some rough sailing between here and Paradise.

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