Thursday, May 2, 2024

Climate Justice Movement Take Note

So now I have my answer as to whether these students are serious. And boy have they hit a nerve! The mainstream press is flailing madly to establish credibility, but their bias is so obvious it is laughable. For decades they have managed to keep the word Zionism out of popular discourse. Now that horse is out of the barn. The Zionist lobby had always managed to get the press to equate anti-Israel with anti-semitism and now that game is up. They are trotting out their spin masters on CNN, where compliant "journalists" ask softball questions and let them rant about "outside agitators" and "hate speech" but the settler/colonial ethno state project which is Zionist Israel has been revealed, thanks to Netanyahu, and there's no stuffing that back in the bottle. The climate justice movement faces a different enemy and circumstances but they could still learn a thing or two about mobilization from these student actions. You have to ask people to take some level of risk. The students didn't ask people to sign fucking petitions or vote harder. They knew the authorities would over-react because they always do. They knew they could force every media in the country to cover it, one way or the other, and they have. Even when they focus on four Jewish students who "feel" threatened, or focus on one knucklehead who wants to "kill Zionists", it is still coverage which leads to intense scrutiny. People are looking up Zionism and going WTF? There is an interesting map in yesterday's Times showing the states where campus protests are taking place. Tellingly, Montana sits in a block of states where student apathy reigns. We are joined by neighboring Idaho Wyoming and the Dakotas, of course, also Utah, Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, etc... You get the picture, illustrious company indeed. Now we see that the Zionist goons have been sent in with baseball bats and mace. The cops stand down and watch. This could get very interesting.

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