Sunday, May 26, 2024

Not Normal

With Israel's new status as pariah state, led by war criminals, there is an actual opening to change the decades long status quo. Now that more countries are recognizing the state of Palestine, Israel is withholding funding for the PA. Biden could withhold funding from Israel if he had any balls or brains but instead he will go down as the old guy who couldn't see the golden opportunity to end a gross injustice. Americans hate and fear Iran despite the fact they have refrained from building a nuclear weapon. But the "secret" that everyone knows is that Israel has the bomb. "I'm so tired of America". He has decided instead to support the ultra-right wing pariahs and their project of ethnic cleansing. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, who we hope to strike a "grand bargain" with, has other ideas. Ukrain begs for more weapons as it falls back. China laughs at Biden's tariffs. Trump need only point out what a loser the old guy is and stride back into his old chair in the white house. Liberals go nuts as all their dreams fade. In the European social democracies, the far right is on the march. Supply the working class with reforms to make their lives comfortable and they turn xenophobic, guarding their treats from the uncouth hordes of migrants. Instead of fighting for liberation from Market anarchy, they demand ever more discipline. Germany is the most rabid pro-Zionist enabler, banning speech and speakers, including Jews.

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