Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Sheldon Adelson Act

Who organized the thugs that attacked the UCLA protest camp as the cops stood by? "Under investigation". In other words, lost in the daily news stream. Who is pressing Republican Zionists to pass the Ant-semitism Awareness Act? Who painted the Jeremy Corbyn campaign with the anti-semite brush? Purely spontaneous? I doubt it. It is important to remember that these people don't sit idly by as you erect your tents and shout free Palestine. There is a whole pro-Zionism aparatus that influences media, lobbys government, helps set policy at universities, etc... They work especially hard at setting the norms for discourse, ie defining anti-semitism. For instance, every mainstream media outlet will repeat the claim Hamas rejects the legitimacy of Israel( true) but fail to mention they were willing to recognize 67 borders (also true). They all interpret the slogan "from the river to the sea" as meaning Israel must be destroyed. They all promote the fiction that the Oslo Accords were a perfect opportunity to have a Palestinin state which Arafat rejected. All consensus opinions of the U.S. public. All Israeli propaganda. The NY Times is very effective at playing good cop/ bad cop. They have every type of liberal in their commentariat; Ross Douthout can do the conservative tsk tsking about students and rail against "terrorism", they've got Brooks and Friedman to do the rational grown-up and ignore Isreali terrorism, others who can do the civil see-both-sides bit. Be prepared to learn nothing and see the dominant narratives reinforced daily.

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