Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Just Discovered the "Comments" !

I feel terrible. I just discovered that a few folks have been following the blog and commenting and I haven't replied. I never go to my blog so I don't see these rare but highly appreciated comments. So sorry. Ducky! Dude, I'm doing ok, all things considered. To anyone else reading this, Ducky followed my old blog, thoughtstreaming, back in the day. Back when this troll (I forget his name) thought it was important to hassle me. Before trolls were even a thing. Ducky and this troll were my readership as I ranted about what? The Iraq war? The war on drugs? Venezuela? Ah, the good old days. Anyway, I have a remarkably good life but I'm extremely worried about my kids, grandkids, and those less fortunate. Shit is ugly and we ain't seen nothin yet.

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