Thursday, June 13, 2024


The center-right will lead the planet into accelerating crises.The European elections confirmed a trend we have been seeing for some time: in times of anxiety, all politics end up center-right. As for the Left, Mexico provides an example of how the Market commands. And why "democracy" is in scare quotes whenever I reference "democratic" capitalism. From today's NYTimes: “I do think this adverse reaction from the market is going to cause a very thorough rethinking of what they are going to approve and how they are going to approve it in September,” said Joan Domene, a Mexico City-based senior economist for Latin America at Oxford Economics, an economic consultancy. The Market doesn't just discipline the Left of course, recall what happened to Liz in Great Britain when she tried to push through reform. What the Market likes is center-right and that is what we'll get - bureaucratic, technocratic managers who can keep GDP at a reasonable level while taking the edge off both left and hard right. Of course, this is the perfect doomsday scenario, a direct path to the slaughter house. But it is the only political course that Capital can imagine.

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