Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Green Imperialism

As Green Capitalism can be exemplified by solar powered sweatshops, in their piece in Science For The People, Erica Jung and Calvin Wu describe a new phenomenon: "Any technological and diplomatic achievements toward the greening of US imperialism are nothing more than replacing the diesel engine of a Merkava tank with solar panels and lithium batteries." Max Ajl, author of A People's Green New Deal, writes that " Palestine crystallizes nearly every contradiction within the current order...Indeed, the harder and stronger Palestinians fight for liberation, the more, like lightning bolts of ever-increasing luminosity, they bring the relief of the world system into clearer view: the impotence of the United Nations; the imperialist contempt for international law; the complicity of the Arab neo-colonial states with Western capitalism; the fascist racism at the heart of modern European and US capitalism, as murderers and maimers operate in Western capitals; the neo-colonial structures of the Arab and Third World; and the hollowness of Western liberal democracy and its constellation of civil society institutions." Speaking of "the Arab world", our old nemesis the Janjaweed is back, this time in the guise of the Rapid Support Forces in Darfur. What about the "War on Terror"? The Western World shrugs, the foreign policy experts blink stupidly, like deer in the headlights.

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