Thursday, June 6, 2024

Sign of the Times

Reading the front page of the NY Times you learn all you need to know about the ability of capitalist "democracy" / "democratic" capitalism to respond to the climate crisis. One article describes the "heat dome" that is hovering over the southwest and roasting people and planet. Another one talks about the fact we will be blowing past the 1.5 degree goal as global emissions increase. Then there is the article describing the governor of NY city's last minute decision to not implement "congestion pricing" because it might hurt "the economic recovery". Which it would. Any attempt to keep emissions from rising will slow economic growth, which is why no politician can support it. It's why governments can only rely on doomed "green capitalist" measures to try to slow the warming. Another article describes the battle over forestry practices in Oregon, where climate induced drought and heat stress is killing off Douglas Fir trees. The foresters say they have to remove healthy trees ( the ones that store CO2 and give us oxygen) to pay for the thinning of dead trees. It's simple economics. Other articles decribe people in Florida having to raise their houses and others who can't find insurance. There's somehting going on but they don'tknow what it is.

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