Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Mainstream Consensus

The Washington Post editorial board is concerned about the degrading environment: "This leaves policymakers with few good options. They must acknowledge popular constraints, explain convincingly why action is needed, ensure their plans mitigate the impact on those who bear most of the costs, particularly the most vulnerable, and advance policies that keep costs as low as possible relative to benefits." A tall order indeed. And exactly why "policymakers" can't act against Capital. You could try "shareholder activism" but you would run up against the law, which requires businesses do everything possible to make a profit. An Exxon shareholder tried holding the company accountable but was successfully sued.From the NYTimes. "In its complaint, Exxon said the proposal “does not seek to improve ExxonMobil’s economic performance or create shareholder value.” You could try divestment, ha ha ha.I know, you could try running for office! Or you could attend the next COP and try to convince delegates of imperialist countries to do the right thing. All just suggestions of ways, according to the mainstream consensus, that emissions can be de-coupled from economic growth.

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