Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Crisis of Legitimacy

As Daniel Taruno reminds us: "Parliamentary democracy is an infinitely more stable mode of domination than dictatorship. There is one condition, however: voters must accept being dominated and consider their domination legitimate." Today's voter doesn't just accept; they love being dominated. This is the "freedom" they go on and on about. The freedom from responsibility. Freedom from self-reflection. Just follow and do as the rest do. With a wink and a nod we celebrate African tribal "democracy" or Russian oligarch "democracy" or Israeli "democracy". But not evil Cuban or Venezuelan democracy! Here in the States we have lesser of two evils "democracy", a choice, sure, but not a great one. Like choosing who you would prefer your daughter go out with: Bundy, Gacey or Manson. Habermas explored the construction of legitimacy but much has changed since those heady days of possibility. Now we have elites who rail against elites. Now it is elitist to call people ignorant just because they know zero history and fall for every scam- instead they are "wierd". In an interview, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, going for the "common man" approach, defends the dumb. "Don't assume they're just not clever enough to understand wwhat you're selling them...these aren't stupid people." Right, Tim. That's why they buy "medbeds" and watch FOX "news" and send money to old Jewish holocaust survivors in Russia. Why they think a wall will keep immigrants out. Why they hate Obamacare. Tim himself is not especially bright and actually spends the rest of the interview explaining how clueless most people are, unable to grasp the complexity of modern issues and buying simple solutions. This is the real crisis of democracy, an inability to stay informed or think critically. Appendix: Just found out Tim has been chosen as Kamala's VP. Can't find his position on Palestine anywhere.

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