Saturday, August 10, 2024

This Is Not Who We Are

As white male reactionary thugs rampage in Great Britian, state leadership wants us to know these (mostly) guys are an outlier. As the anti-immigrant hard right gains votes across Europe (oh yeah, GB is nolonger Europe), it is getting harder and harder to believe the reassurances offered by liberal elites. Outraged by the murder of three white English children, they are ambivilent at best about the murder and seliberate starvation of thousands of Palestinian children. As with Germany, we have long been told that the horror of the holocaust taught lessons about the temptations of fascism. And yet Germans increasingly blame "the Other" for their economic woes while pathologically supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Where I truly lack any coherent analysis is the question of soccer hooligans. WTF? These men so identify with their team that they embrace brawling while drunk? How sad can their lives be that this is what brings them joy or satisfaction? Jouissance? Then there are the Israeli thugs attacking an army base to free IDF soldiers accused of rape. Because for them raping Palestinians isn't a crime. The Olympics is supposed to embody the spirit of peace and sportsmanship amongst nations of all creeds (except Russia). All taking place in a world engulfed in violent conflict and mayhem. This IS who we are, unfortunately, as long as we remain alienated and esdtranged from our true species being and dominated by liberal capitalist "democracy".

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