Wednesday, August 28, 2024


“There is definitely something going on,” Dominic Zanke, who has fished for lobster for 34 years, said at his home in Deer Isle. “It’s kind of scary,” In truth, scientists have made dire predictions about the future of the lobster fishery in Maine for decades — predictions that lobstermen have routinely dismissed. When I pointed out the stark difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties on climate change, Ms. Olsen waved away its significance. “Fishermen are very — they want facts and information about their fishery, right?” she said. “They could care less about politics until it affects them on the water.” Claqssic disavowal: they know but act as if they don't. It is also classic capitalist short term thinking: "I'll get mine and let the future worry about the future. Pray for a miracle. Maybe some tech will save them. yada yada. Transactional "politics" in a nutshell: show me the cash and get my vote. “I care a lot about nature,” Mr. Amaro said, “but also I think about my future and how I can take care of my family, and what would benefit me, in the long term, financially. And it kind of sucks to think like that.” Exactly.

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