Saturday, August 3, 2024

Increasingly Desperate

It should be another great COP this year in Azerbaijan. Bring your dolphin costume and come join the protest! I'm sure Americans will be in a great giving mood, ready to accept their historical responsibility and start sharing wealth with poorer countries. After all, our national motto is : Were all in this Together!( just kidding) For its part, Azerbaijan is all in on false solutions like carbon capture and hoping Iran can be drawn into a major war. From the NYTimes: "there is growing interest in efforts to intentionally alter the Earth’s climate, a field known as geoengineering." Not the best option, but since there is no way the Market system can stop producing fossil fuels, it may be the only one left. As the opening epigram to Oblivion's Cross states: "we would rather be ruined than change." And so we will be. Palestine is a glimpse into our future. After all that extermination in order to grab land, the planet will take it all from us, turning it into a parched wasteland or flooded swamp. And so, as the land disappears, the extermination will accelerate. This is the panic that everyone feels but represses, stuffs into the deepest recesses and smothers with consumption. This is also why beat-down workers in the "developed" world will take the side of the boss, just as they identified with the slaveholders: they know things can get way worse. And of course it is not just Palestinians who are suffering the brutal effects of the polycrisis. Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Niger, Sudan and now Burkina Faso are occassionally in the news. Care International's research singled out 10 African countries — including Zimbabwe, Uganda, Burundi, Zambia, and Senegal — that are suffering crises such as climate change, conflict, poverty, hunger, violence and political instability but are getting little news coverage. Plenty of other regions as well.

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